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Full Council Meeting

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Douglas Hicks Meeting Room

Cllr H Jones

You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Full Council at The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett is to be held on Tuesday 30 January 2024 at 7.30pm

Agenda documents

Agenda items

  1. 1
    Apologies for absence.
  2. 2
    Declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda.
  3. 2.a
    Disclosable pecuniary interests they or their spouse/partner have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting
  4. 2.b
    Members must also declare any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests they have in any matter to be considered at this meeting.
  5. 3
    To adjourn the meeting for members of the public to address the Committee (in accordance with Standing Order 3e).
  6. 4

  7. 5

  8. 6
    Chairman’s Announcements.
  9. 7

  10. 8

  11. 9
  12. 9.a
    To authorise the payment of accounts for February.
  13. 9.b

  14. 10

  15. 11
    To receive and adopt the minutes and recommendations of the following working parties
  16. 11.a

  17. 11.b

  18. 12
    To decide the format of the Annual Parish meeting on 13 May 2024
  19. 13

  20. 14
    To receive the tender documents for the 'Cafe Build' part of the Phillimore Recreation Improvements Project -- Phase 1 -- Cafe.
  21. 15
    To receive an update on the complaint against the council