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Planning Committee

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Meeting Room 2

Cllr M Cherry

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on Tuesday 19th April 2022 at 7.30pm in Meeting Room 2 at The Radlett Centre.
Members are hereby summoned to this meeting and reminded that they have a duty to state a Declaration of Interest prior to the appropriate agenda item.

Agenda documents

Agenda items

  1. 1
    Apologies for absence.
  2. 2
    Declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda.
  3. 2.a
    Disclosable pecuniary interests they or their spouse/partner have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting
  4. 2.b
    Members must also declare any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests they have in any matter to be considered at this meeting.
  5. 3

  6. 4
    To adjourn the meeting for members of the public to address the Committee (if any) in accordance with Standing Order 1 d.
  7. 5
    Planning Applications
  8. 5.a
    22/0548/HSE - 1 The Sycamores Radlett Hertfordshire WD7 7LJ – Proposal: Conversion of garage to habitable room, new front porch, and changes to fenestration.
  9. 5.b
    22/0545/FUL - 5 Oakridge Avenue Radlett Hertfordshire WD7 8EN – Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a replacement 5-bed detached dwelling with accommodation at basement and loft levels.
  10. 5.c
    21/2310/HSE - 7 Loom Lane, Radlett, Hertfordshire, WD7 8AA – Proposal: Erection of single storey side and rear extension, front porch and 2 storey front bay feature. Roof alterations to include 3 front roof lights, and 1 dormer & 2 roof lights to rear.
  11. 5.d
    22/0551/EI1 - Site R3, Land South Of Shenley Road Radlett Hertfordshire - Proposal: Request for screening opinion (Environmental Impact Assessment - Screening).
  12. 6
    For information: Planning Applications of the following type: - Certificate of Lawful Development (Existing) CLE, Certificate of Lawful Development (Proposed) CLP and Listed Building Consent LBC.
  13. 6.a
    22/0570/PD42 - 85 Gills Hill Lane, Radlett, Hertfordshire, WD7 8PD – Proposal: Single storey rear extension: Depth - 6m, Height - 3m, Eaves - 3m
  14. 7
    Planning decisions by Hertsmere Borough Council
  15. 7.a
    22/0197/HSE - 50 Willow Way, Radlett, Hertfordshire, WD7 8DY– HBC decision was Refuse Permission - APC comment was Object
  16. 7.b
    22/0122/HSE - 9 Willow Way, Radlett, Hertfordshire, WD7 8DU – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was Object
  17. 8
    Date of next meeting 9th May 2022