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Planning Committee

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Douglas Hicks Meeting Room

Cllr S Khawaja

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on Tuesday 4th July 2023 at 7.30pm in Douglas Hicks Meeting Room at The Radlett Centre.
Members are hereby summoned to this meeting and reminded that they have a duty to state a Declaration of Interest prior to the appropriate agenda item.

Agenda documents

Agenda items

  1. 1
    Apologies for absence
  2. 2
    Declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda
  3. 2.a
    Disclosable pecuniary interests they or their spouse/partner have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting
  4. 2.b
    Members must also declare any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests they have in any matter to be considered at this meeting.
  5. 3

  6. 4
    To adjourn the meeting for members of the public to address the Committee (if any) in accordance with Standing Order 1 d
  7. 5
    Planning Applications
  8. 5.a
    23/0803/FUL - Radlett Lawn Tennis And Squash Club, 425 Watling Street, Radlett – Proposal: Construction of 3 x new floodlit outdoor padel courts with individual canopies, perimeter fencing/glazing, link path, stepped viewing area and the provision of new native trees and hedge
  9. 5.b
    23/0823/HSE - 38 Newlands Avenue, Radlett – Proposal: Demolition of existing garage, construction of a two-storey side extension, two storey front extension and single storey rear extension to include relocated front entrance with canopy and associated alterations to fenestration. Conversion of loft to habitable space to include an increase in ridge height, 4 x rear dormer windows, insertion of a roof light to both side elevations and chimney stack removal. Associated landscaping to include raised patio area to rear garden, and front boundary works to include re-paved driveway and new front boundary wall with brick piers and metal railings
  10. 5.c
    23/0555/HSE - 37 Gills Hill Lane, Radlett – Proposal: Demolition of existing detached garage. Construction of 2x single storey rear extensions, 1 with roof lantern and 1 with solar panels, and new front porch. Conversion of loft to habitable room with hip to gable roof alterations, side and rear roof dormer, rear juliette balcony, insertion of 3x front roof lights, and raised chimney height. Alterations to fenestration. (AMENDED PLANS RECEIVED: 12/06/2023 - side dormer omitted and replace with 3 side rooflights)
  11. 5.d
    23/0824/VOC - 43 Goodyers Avenue, Radlett – Proposal: Application for variation of condition 2 (approved plans) to allow for reduction of ground level and revised site levels, relocation of outdoor amenity space, flat roof alterations to rear outbuilding and amendments to the Tree Protection Fencing following grant of planning permission 22/0639/FUL
  12. 5.e
    23/0840/PD56O - Telecommunications Equipment At Salters Field Part Of King George V Fields, Watling Street, Radlett – Proposal: Installation of 25m 5G monopole supporting 6 x antennas, 1 x 300mm dish, 1 x 600mm dish, 1 x equipment cabinet, 1 x metre cabinet within a fence compound along with associated ancillary development
  13. 5.f
    23/0811/FUL - Pendragon, Loom Lane, Radlett – Proposal: Demolition of existing detached dwelling & erection of replacement 6 bed detached dwelling to include habitable space at second floor level with 2 x front dormers and 3 x rear dormers, and parking and swimming pool at lower ground floor level, outdoor swimming pool and associated landscaping
  14. 5.g
    23/0794/HSE - 44 Newlands Avenue Radlett – Proposal: Retrospective application for front boundary works to include installation of 2 x sliding vehicular entrance gates, new front boundary wall with brick piers and metal railings, and associated hard and soft landscaping works
  15. 5.h
    23/0830/HSE - 8 The Ridgeway, Radlett – Proposal: Part single part two storey front and rear extensions, enlarged second floor with associated roof alterations including additional chimney stack, raised ridge height, rear dormer, insertion of front roof light and roof lights to each side elevation, conversion of garage to habitable space, single storey front portico extension and fenestration alterations
  16. 5.i
    23/0791/HSE - 3 Malthouse Place Newlands Avenue Radlett – Proposal: Part single part two storey front and side extension with 2 x front roof lights to include granny annex at first floor level, conversion of loft to form habitable room with associated roof alterations to include 2 x rear dormers. Alterations to fenestration
  17. 5.j
    23/0851/HSE - 38 Newlands Avenue, Radlett – Proposal: Erection of a single storey extension to existing pool house to facilitate gym, with external insulation and composite cladding, alterations to fenestration and associated landscaping works to include new patio area
  18. 5.k
    23/0810/HSE - 21 Letchmore Road Radlett – Proposal: Installation of air conditioning plant on roof. (Retrospective application).
  19. 5.l
    23/0504/HSE - 35 The Crosspath, Radlett – Proposal: Rear dormer roof extension (conversion of roofspace into habitable use); front and side rooflights and construction of a rear outbuilding (following demolition of the existing structure) with decking and alterations to the land levels around the outbuilding (incidental to the main dwelling house) (Revised Description to accurately reflect proposal)
  20. 6
    Planning decisions by Hertsmere Borough Council
  21. 6.a
    23/0452/REM - Kendal Hall Farm, Watling Street, Radlett– HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was No Objection
  22. 6.b
    23/0585/HSE - 12 Gills Hill Lane, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was No Objection
  23. 6.c
    23/0455/HSE - 45 Cobden Hill, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was No Objection
  24. 6.d
    23/0551/HSE - 7 Beech Avenue, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was Object
  25. 7
    Date of next meeting Monday 17th July 2023