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Planning Committee

Monday, August 21, 2023

7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Meeting Room 2

Cllr S Khawaja

Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on Monday 21 August 2023 at 7.30pm in Meeting Room 2 at The Radlett Centre.
Members are hereby summoned to this meeting and reminded that they have a duty to state a Declaration of Interest prior to the appropriate agenda item.

Agenda documents

Agenda items

  1. 1
    Apologies for absence.
  2. 2
    Declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda.
  3. 2.a
    Disclosable pecuniary interests they or their spouse/partner have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting
  4. 2.b
    Members must also declare any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests they have in any matter to be considered at this meeting.
  5. 3

  6. 4
    To adjourn the meeting for members of the public to address the Committee (if any) in accordance with Standing Order 1 d.
  7. 5
    Planning Applications
  8. 5.a
    23/1015/FUL - 3 Loom Place, Radlett – Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a pair of semi-detached dwellings with habitable loft accommodation and basement level with gym and cinema, associated parking, access, amenity, and cycle and bin store.
  9. 5.b
    23/1052/HSE -- 11 Phillimore Place, Radlett, -- Proposal: Construction of detached single-storey outbuilding to rear garden for use as gym/home office, with swimming pool at basement level
  10. 5.c
    23/1077/HSE -- 8 Heyford Road, Radlett – Proposal: Two storey side extension and part single part two storey rear extension following demolition of garage, utility room and conservatory
  11. 5.d
    23/1036/HSE -- 20 Newlands Avenue, Radlett – Proposal: Conversion of garage to habitable space including alterations to roof and fenestration and removal of chimney.
  12. 5.e
    23/1012/FUL -- 114 - 116 Watling Street, Radlett – Proposal: Fenestration changes to front elevation to include removal of existing window, and insertion of 3 x light sliding sash and 2 x fixed lights with sliding centre sash.
  13. 5.f
    23/1102/HSE -- 48 Newberries Avenue, Radlett – Proposal: Two storey front, first floor side and part single part two storey rear extensions, conversion of loft to form habitable space including rear dormer and 3 rooflights with raised roof ridge level and alterations to fenestration.
  14. 5.g
    23/1139/HSE -- 13 The Crosspath, Radlett – Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension with roof lantern.
  15. 5.h
    22/2149/OUT -- Organ Hall Farm And Land, Theobald Street, Borehamwood – Proposal: Erection of up to 110 dwellings, a medical centre (Use Class E(e)), associated infrastructure, parking, landscaping, open space, earthworks and access from Theobald Street and a change of use of the land edged green on Drawing no. 221.1511.103 to provide landscaping and Public open space. (Outline Application to include Access, with all other matters Reserved) (Change of description; Amended plans and documents received 10.08.2023)
  16. 6
    Planning decisions by Hertsmere Borough Council
  17. 6.a
    23/0830/HSE - 8 The Ridgeway, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was ‘Object’.
  18. 6.b
    23/0810/HSE - 21 Letchmore Road, Radlett – HBC decision was Refuse Permission – APC comment was ‘Object’.
  19. 6.c
    23/0842/HSE - 136 Watling Street, Radlett – HBC decision was “Refuse Permission – APC comment was No Objection.
  20. 6.d
    23/0141/VOC -- 10 And 10A, Watford Road, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was ‘No Objection’.
  21. 6.e
    23/0766/VOC -- 13 Goodyers Avenue, Radlett – HBC decision was Refuse Permission – APC comment was ‘Object’.
  22. 6.f
    23/0851/HSE -- 38 Newlands Avenue, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was ‘No Objection’.
  23. 6.g
    23/0900/FUL -- Conway House, Watling Street, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was ‘No Objection’.
  24. 6.h
    23/0461/VOC -- 47 Battlers Green Drive, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was ‘Plans were not clear enough to make a decision’.
  25. 7
    Date of the next meeting 4 September 2023 at 7.30pm.