- Location
Meeting Room 2, The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett WD7 8HL
- Chair
- Cllr S Khawaja
- Explanation
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on Monday 2nd December 2024 at 7.30pm in Meeting Room 2 at The Radlett Centre.
Members are hereby summoned to this meeting and reminded that they have a duty to state a Declaration of Interest prior to the appropriate agenda item. - Agenda documents
Agenda items
1Apologies for absence
2Declarations of interest on any item on the Agenda
2.aDisclosable pecuniary interests they or their spouse/partner have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting
2.bMembers must also declare any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests they have in any matter to be considered at this meeting.
4To adjourn the meeting for members of the public to address the Committee (if any) in accordance with Standing Order 1 d
5Planning Applications
5.a24/1438/FUL – 53 Oakridge Avenue, Radlett – Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling house and construction of a two-storey 3 bedroom dwelling house to include provision of 3 x front parking spaces
5.b24/1431/VOC - 11 The Rose Walk, Radlett – Proposal: Application for variation of condition 7 (plans) to allow for an increase in overall footprint of dwelling to include alterations to front and rear elevations following grant of planning permission 20/1831/FUL
5.c24/1396/FUL - 44 Loom Lane, Radlett – Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement 5x bed detached two storey dwelling including habitable space at loft and basement level and garage and swimming pool at ground floor level
5.d24/1443/HSE - Tall Timbers , 9 The Avenue, Radlett – Proposal: Demolition of 2x rear conservatories and erection of replacement rear extensions including solar panels on roof, erection of staircase to side of garage and air conditioning units to side elevations
5.e24/1451/FUL - 355 Watling Street, Radlett – Proposal: Single storey front extension and alterations to fenestration including new shop front door. New aluminium fascia sign and shutter box
5.f24/1370/HSE - 1 The Grove, Radlett – Proposal: Demolition of linked garage and erection of single storey side extension, replacement front door, replacement of boundary gates, removal of brick piers at gate entry and replacement of existing drive paving. Replace current timber boundary fence panels with new 8ft timber fence panels
5.g24/1477/HSE - 49 The Ridgeway, Radlett – Proposal: First floor rear extension
5.h24/1494/HSE - 1 Craigweil Avenue, Radlett – Proposal: Single storey side and rear extensions following demolition of detached garage
5.i24/1485/FUL - Blackbirds Farm, Blackbirds Lane, Aldenham, Watford – Proposal: Retrospective application for change of use of former slurry pit to use as a manege, with cabin and external viewing platform, and lighting to riding arena.
6For information: Planning Applications of the following type: - Certificate of Lawful Development (Existing) CLE, Certificate of Lawful Development (Proposed) CLP and Listed Building Consent LBC.
6.a24/1429/CLE - Blackbirds Farm, Blackbirds Lane, Aldenham, Watford – Proposal: Mixed use for the operation of a heavy goods vehicle haulage business, including the parking of HGVs and semi-trailers, in addition to the use of the site for other lawful uses including as the operational hub for agricultural and equestrian activities and for non-agricultural business uses operating pursuant to the grant of various planning permissions for re-use of buildings within the application site Certificate of Lawful Development (Existing)
7Planning decisions by Hertsmere Borough Council
7.a24/1180/HSE - 5 Watling Knoll, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was No Objection
7.b23/1205/HSE - 16 Loom Lane, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission - APC comment was Object
7.c24/0923/FUL - 18 Goodyers Avenue, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was Object
7.d24/1041/FUL - 1 Craigweil Avenue, Radlett – Application was Withdrawn
7.e23/1508/OUT - Land Rear Of Electricity Station, Hilfield Lane, Aldenham – Application was Withdrawn
7.f24/1242/HSE - 26 Craigweil Avenue, Radlett – HBC decision was Grant Permission – APC comment was No Objection
8Date of next meeting Monday 16th December 2024